Why I Stopped

I'm sorry I haven't been writing on here often, in fact, I stopped for a while. I didn't stop because I didn't have time. I stopped because I was receiving anonymous messages from people who read my blog. I stopped because whoever this was called me names, and made assumptions about my life. My name is Shea, and what I post on here is what I choose to share. I was brought up on, "If you have nothing nice to say then shut your mouth." Now you have the right to voice your opinion, yes you do because someone fought for it. When you post those negative, degrading, and downright mean things online you are posting it because you can, and that other person doesn't know you. In all honesty, your opinion doesn't matter if it 1. doesn't change the world 2. doesn't help someone become better. Now calling names is childish, it doesn't change the world, and it most certainly does not help someone become a better person. I've decided that I'm going to keep writing in this blog. I've decided that I don't care how pathetic I am for writing this blog because it makes me happy. It makes me feel like I am one step closer to my dreams.

Here's a solution: If you don't like reading a blog, DON'T read it!

That's all, thank you.


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