Rushing through life

Hi, all! If this your first time to my blog, welcome I'm Shea!

 Today was my first day at my second job, yes even post grads have to have two jobs just to live. I mean we got bills, loans to pay, and makeup to buy. I had this odd dream before waking up; I dreamt that I got to my NEW job and was late! Late on my first day, and I am not talking three minutes late, no HOURS late. Now if you know me in person, I'm always late. I try very hard to get to a place early, but I live with the curse of being perpetually late. I woke up in a cold sweat all worried about being late, but in reality, I was on time! Or I thought I was. Now I am continuously rushing around to get ready, no matter how much I prepare the night before. But today of all days I decide to stay in bed until 7:20, when I knew I had to leave no later than 7:40. I take me on average 30 minutes to get ready when I am doing just the basics. Needless to say today I barely put my face on before rushing Loki to go to the bathroom and eat his food! Guys I was 20 minutes late to my new job because I was lazy and then hit major traffic on the way! And I couldn't even set or prime my oil slick face before putting my makeup (or what little I have) on. So thus begins my 12 hour days and the start of a new job. Well, I will comment later on how well my Maybelline Matte and Poreless works sans primer and setting spray! 

Oh and if you don't know my Loki, he is a prince on his own schedule and does not like to poop or eat under pressure. He is most certainly lazy in the mornings like his momma! 

Edit: It is currently 8 pm where I live. I have been wearing my makeup for 12 hours, this is not unusual. However, what is unusual is the fact that I did not wear a primer or a setting spray. 

So what was on my face? 
Foundation: Maybelline Matte and Poreless
Blush: MAC Peaches
Highlighter: Who am I kidding, I had ZERO time!
Brows: NYX Brow Gel in Espresso, because there wasn't time for anything else :( 
Lips: Wild Nothing by Colourpop with *gasp* no lip primer 

So NO powder to set my face, no primer, and no setting spray. Learn from me, please wake up on time! 

Review of Maybelline Matte and Poreless: 
Now before some of you harp on me, I love this foundation with a primer. I have combination skin, leaning more to the oil side especially on my forehead. I wear this foundation all the time, but today the real test came, and it failed. Miserably. I blotted at 8 pm, and used three blotting papers! Holy SMOKES! 

Do I recommend this foundation? 

Ultimately yes. However reach for a different foundation if you need to skip the primer, setting powder, and setting spray if you are like me! 


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