Shame by Urban Decay Cosmetics

Hey, Beauties! I hope your day way more beautiful than the rainy weather that Indiana has!

Today I was washing off my makeup when I realized I should post about my lipstick today! On my Beauty Instagram account (@SheasBeautyInsta) I post lip swatches. In one picture I have what the tube of lipstick looks like (top left below), the name (top right), what it looks like swatched on my arm (bottom right), and what it looks like on (bottom left). And sometimes I come up with clever little titles, you'll have to view my Beauty Instagram to see! But silly me thought of this AFTER I took my lipstick off! So I put the daggum lipstick back on, and took this lovely photo collage for you all!

*Yes I know my lips are overlined, I did this quickly because I was ready for bed after working 10 hours!* 

Now lets review... 

1. What color is it? 
Well on me, on my skin tone it is a berry toned red. Gorgeous color! 

2. Type of lipstick?
Obviously not a liquid! It is a cream lipstick, that will need a lip liner for sure! 

3. Does it transfer? 
HELL TO THE FRIKKIN YES! Guys... I'm not even joking here it transfers so bad. 

4. Is it kiss proof? 
Nope. Not a single bit! Your SO will not wanna kiss your lips with this lipstick on! 

5. Does it fade throughout the day? 
Yes, it does, but gracefully. Honestly, I reapplied this lipstick after eating lunch, and it did not look like I NEEDED to reapply. 

6. Where can I get it? 
Well, this is UD brand, so any Ulta or Sephora should carry it, but here is the website: Shame by UD

7. Do you recommend this product? 
I LOVE lipstick. And this lipstick happens to be in my favorite color series: berry. Yes I do, but...

This lipstick bleeds. I used a lipliner, and a lip primer and it was still in some magic way on my cheek today. How does that even happen? I don't touch my lips, but I always seem to get cream lipstick on my cheek! So that is the MAJOR problem with this lipstick, and if you can look past this go get this lipstick! 

Alright, guys if you have any questions, comments, or CC please leave a comment below! I will respond to you ASAP! 


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